September & October 2023

As the summer sun sets and we welcome the cool embrace of autumn, we can't help but reflect on the incredible few months we've had at Blake's Kitchen. Our bakery has been a hive of activity, with our dedicated team working tirelessly to produce more delectable treats than ever before. We are immensely grateful for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing the tastes of Autumn with you as we move into this new season. Remember to keep an eye on our social media for new seasonal dishes. In the meantime, we'd like to share a few updates from around the Blake's universe...

Christmas store

now Live!

Ho, ho ho! The Blake's Christmas Shop is now open on our website! Place your order now for collection from Clanfield on 23rd or 24th December... but be quick! Stocks are limited for each day. Please note we will be closing at 2pm on Christmas Eve so all orders will need to be collected before this time (click here for our full festive hours).

Blake’s soho farmhouse

This summer, Blake's Kitchen Soho Farmhouse has thrived under the skilful hands of Mel, Daniele and our exceptional team. With a new seasonal menu coming out this week, follow @blakes.sohofarmhouse on Instagram as the team get ready for another bustling and delicious autumn down at the Farm Yard.


Congratulations to Louise (Barista) and Cassie (Assistant Manager) who have recently completed the Professional Barista Qualification on the SCA training course with our coffee roasters, Hasbean in London. Be sure to sample their skills on our new La Marzocco coffee machine on your next visit to Clanfield!

Also, congratulations to Olivia who has been promoted to Assistant Bakery Manager. Since joining nearly a year ago as a Baker, Olivia has been responsible for so many of our favourite food memories of the last 12 months; think amazing cheesecakes, seasonal quiches and our new Scandi-style rye bread. And finally, well done to all of our management team for completing their 12 month Leadership Development Programme. Developing experts in our crafts is one of our core Business values. So if you are looking to develop a career in hospitality check out our careers page for more details.


December 2023


June 2023